По завршување на Економскиот факултет своето образование го продолжува на постдипломските студии при Економскиот факултет во Скопје.
Својата професионална кариера ја започнува во Краснаја дооел како финансиски менаџер, одговорна за работата од областа на финансиите на компанијата. Понатамошната кариера ја продолжува во Коро Компани како сметководител, одговорна за севкупното материјално и финансиско сметководство на компанијата. Своето професионално усовршување го продолжува во Дамат Консалтинг како сметководител одговорен за неколку клиенти. Моментално е дел од тимот на Нет Профит како овластен сметководител каде секојдневно го докажува и применува своето професионално искуство и образование. Задолжена е за неколку клиенти и нивното материјално и финансиско сметководство, притоа изготвувајќи и посебни извештаи за потребите на клиентите и институциите.


Marija Mackinovska

Tax and accounting consultant Core qualifications- Accounting & Financial Management Business Planning & Analyses Financial Analyses and Reporting Controllership and Decision support Her professional carrier started as professional accountant and during years of experience reached the position of CFO in an international IT Company ASSECO SEE, responsible for establishing financial control on three territories Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania. As a member of the Asseco SEE Macedonia Management Board and with more than 18 years of progressive experience in finance, accounting, business planning and financial analysis within IT and trade oriented organizations; played a key role in the overall management of the company and its business plan. Today, she is successfully managing Company Net Profit combining experience and practice with knowledge and education, meanwhile continuing the process of professional education on audit level.

Biljana Mitrevska

Her key values are professional accountant, HR consultant, brokerage professional. She is an accountant with several years of experience. After graduating Economic Faculty, she started her professional carееr as an agent in private Pension Fund . After 6 years she has started to work in Stopanska Banka AD Skopje, after gaining a Brokerage License for working with securities in the Securities and Brokerage Operations Department. Today she continuously proves her professional experience and education as accountant in NET PROFIT. She is in charged to monitor the integrity of general ledger data of each client, assisting clients with transactional processing and operational needs, also deals with payroll, personnel & employment issues.

M-r Daniela Nikolovska

After completing the studies on the Faculty of Economics, she continues her education at the postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje. She starts her professional career at Krasnaya Dooel as a financial manager, responsible for the work in the field of company finance. She continues her career further at Koro Company as an accountant responsible for the overall material and financial accounting of the company. Her professional development is continued in Damat Consulting as an accountant responsible for several clients. Currently part of the Net Profit team as a certified accountant, where she proves and applies her professional experience and education on daily basis. She is responsible for several clients and their material and financial accounting, preparing special reports that suit the needs of both the clients and the institutions.